Meet the Nursery Team


From L to R: , Leanne Eastment (Nursery Practitioner), Johanne Smith (Blue Butterfly Key Person), Diane Wilson (Yellow Butterfly Key Person), Lisa Morris (Nursery Class Teacher & Red Butterfly Key Person), Andrea Eleftheriou (Nursery Practitioner), Zuzana Scott (Nursery Practitioner), Jane Shiells (Nursery Practitioner). 

Welcome to our Butterfly Class!

Our Nursery team is really excited for your child to be starting their learning journey with us!

In Butterfly Class, we love to learn through explorative, imaginative, creative, and sensory play experiences. Children have the opportunity to learn in our engaging nursery environment where they can play inside or outside, whilst taking part in a mixture of adult led and child initiated activities throughout each day.

We have key group times where children are encouraged to communicate their ideas, ask or answer questions, and will take part in activities based around a key idea or new concept. These sessions will introduce and develop skills within the areas of the EYFS curriculum including personal, social and emotional development; communication and language; mathematics; writing and reading.

Please speak to your child’s key person if you have any questions or concerns. If you would like to contact us directly you can email the nursery team on: