Music at Whitehouse Primary
At Whitehouse Primary School, music is an extremely enjoyable experience for all children. Our aim is to promote a love of music and singing across a broad curriculum as well as embedding the vision that music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity.
We use the "Kapow" Music scheme to support the teaching of Music and ensure it meets the National Curriculum requirements. The children develop their understanding of rhythm and pitch and learn how music is structured, as well as learning technical vocabulary for these elements. As confidence builds, the children enjoy the performance aspect of music.
Our Music Curriculum focuses on children participating in a range of memorable musical experiences as well as gaining the confidence to perform and appreciate the history of music. Previous visiting musicians include a samba band, string quartet and brass group.
Importantly, we offer our children the knowledge and cultural capital by giving them the experience to listen to a range of music. This includes live music and music from different cultures and eras as well as providing them with the opportunities to learn and play a range of musical instruments.
During their time at school, there are many opportunities for children to perform to a range of audiences. Music is a key and important element of school productions.
In music lessons, children develop descriptive language skills, especially when learning about how music can represent different feelings, emotions and narratives. Each year group identifies composers and pieces of music to explore which helps them to build up a knowledge of the history of music and understand the key features of different genres.
Additional opportunities are offered in music, such as our Harmonize choir which performs regularly in school and at events in the local community and with our Trust Schools as well as attending events such as Young Voices.